Episode 299

Mayhem In Melbourne

Yarn heavy episode this week as Ro and Sen recount stories from their weekend in Melbourne, including a very generous restaurant owner, a grumpy casino dealer and large amounts of head loss and carry on from the boys in a story where they definitely come out looking shameful.

Our game this week is “Taboo,” which is similar to charades except each round gets more difficult as the game master (Sen) adds a ridiculous rule to the already existing rules.

We’re back again with “Top 5’s” this week as the boys take turns ranking their top 5’s in various different categories including some questionable takes about jobs.



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🔽 WEBSITE: https://www.criticalbanter.com


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📸 MIGUEL: http://www.instagr.am/miggybrahhh

📸 ROHIT: http://www.instagr.am/robro1

📸 SEN: http://www.instagr.am/sen.thav

📸 KUSH: http://www.instagr.am/kushyyk



Loxbeats: https://soundcloud.com/loxbeats

About the Podcast

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The Critical Banter Podcast

About your host

Profile picture for Critical Banter

Critical Banter

Established by 4 high-school friends in 2018, Critical Banter was formed through a shared love of comedy, entertainment and gaming. The launch of the podcast in 2019 was, at first, to validate their humour beyond their family and friends.

Now, The Critical Banter Podcast is a fast-growing comedy podcast that emulates the feel of late-night shows and engages heavily with their listeners to create relatable content - including story-telling, games and Q&As.