Episode 295

We Got Deepfaked

Another week rolls on and Ro continues to be involved in lengthy battles with various wedding venues across NSW. This week’s battle is catering and which venues will allow delicious Indian and Chinese food to be cooked and served. We then talked about Drake’s Sydney concerts, our Thursday night 6 a side comp before ending with some deeply disturbing footage and a sombre warning about AI.

The ever reliable “Bullslut” is back for the first time in 2025. It’s Ro v Sen as the boys take each other one in some of the most classic TCB categories.

We finish this week with a bit of a throwback with “Would You Rather,” with Migs asking Ro and Sen some of the most popular WYR’s from the internet.



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🔽 WEBSITE: https://www.criticalbanter.com


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📱 TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@criticalbanter

🎬 YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/criticalbanter



📸 MIGUEL: http://www.instagr.am/miggybrahhh

📸 ROHIT: http://www.instagr.am/robro1

📸 SEN: http://www.instagr.am/sen.thav

📸 KUSH: http://www.instagr.am/kushyyk



Loxbeats: https://soundcloud.com/loxbeats

About the Podcast

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The Critical Banter Podcast

About your host

Profile picture for Critical Banter

Critical Banter

Established by 4 high-school friends in 2018, Critical Banter was formed through a shared love of comedy, entertainment and gaming. The launch of the podcast in 2019 was, at first, to validate their humour beyond their family and friends.

Now, The Critical Banter Podcast is a fast-growing comedy podcast that emulates the feel of late-night shows and engages heavily with their listeners to create relatable content - including story-telling, games and Q&As.